About Brittany
Brittany Glynn, PhD is a researcher, practitioner, wellness advocate, and currently manages a Health Research department at a mid-west healthcare organization. Brittany completed her PhD at the University of Ottawa in Human Kinetics with an emphasis in the psychosocial aspects of sport, physical activity, and health.
She then completed her Postdoctoral Fellowship at The Ottawa Hospital in the Interdisciplinary Pain Research Lab, where she explored the impact of eight-week mindfulness interventions with chronic pain oncology patients.
Since 2012, she has been facilitating both in-person and online eight-week mindfulness courses with a variety of populations, including individuals experiencing chronic pain, stress-related burnout, parents and teachers, counselors and mental health practitioners, palliative and hospice patients, and anyone interested in learning how to apply mindfulness and compassion practices into their personal lives and professional work.
Previous Workshops & Courses
- “Mindfulness Meditation for Pain” (April 2020). A five-week self-directed online course for pain management hosted on The Ottawa Hospital’s Youtube page: Class 1 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vcajq9i07Pc)
- “Mindfulness & Compassion Training for Healthcare Professionals” (Aug 2019). Full day eight-hour in-person training workshop presented to McGill University’s Counseling Department.
- “Mindfulness & Compassion Training for Healthcare Professionals” Online Practicum Support Series (Sep 2019-Feb 2020). Six one-hour online practicum support sessions presented to McGill University’s counseling department.
- “Exploring the Self-Critic through Mindful Self-Compassion” (Mar 2019). Ninety-minute workshop presented to the Royal College of Physician’s and Surgeons’ staff and senior management as part of the Mental Health Awareness Week.
- “Introduction to Mindful Self-Compassion for Stress-Management and Well-being” (Sept 2018). Ninety-minute workshop presented to the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeon’s staff and senior management.
- “Introduction to Mindfulness” (Nov 2017). Three-hour workshop presented to The Ottawa Hospital’s Anesthesiology Department’s physicians and staff.
- “Mindfulness & Chronic Neuropathic Pain” (Nov 2017). Sixty-minute workshop presented to physiotherapists, staff, and clients at Haley Rehab, Ottawa.
- “Mindfulness for Skillful Living” (Mar – April 2017). Six-week course delivered to parents, staff, and teachers at Kanata Highlands Public School.
- “Introduction to Mindfulness” (Feb 2017). Two-hour workshop presented to parents at Kanata Highlands Public School.
- “Introduction to Mindful Self-Compassion” (Jan 2017). One-hour presentation to the Ottawa Mindfulness Network.
- “Introduction to Mindfulness: Body, Emotions, Sensations, and Thoughts” (Jul 2016). Six-hour workshop presented to the Ottawa School of Embodied Yoga Therapy (OSEYT).
- “Introduction to Mindfulness for Skillful Living and Skillful Teaching” (Nov – Dec 2016). Six-week course presented to Kanata Highlands Public School teachers and staff members.
- “Exploring Well-being and Skillful Living through Mindful Self-Compassion” (February, 2016). Six-hour workshop presented to faculty and students at the University of Toronto, Kinesiology and Physical Education Department.
- “Introduction to Mindfulness” (April, 2014). Three-hour workshop presented to parents at St. Monica’s Elementary School.
Certifications and Trainings
- Mindfulness for (M4) Symptom Based Management (MBSM) at the Ottawa Mindfulness Clinic (2012)
- Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) Teacher Training (2015)
- Glynn, B.A., Khoo, E.L., MacLeay, H. M. L., Duong, A., Cantave, R., & Poulin, P. A. (2020). Exploring Cancer Patients’ Experiences of an Online Mindfulness-Based Program: A Qualitative Investigation. Mindfulness. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-020-01380-z
- Shergill Y., Rice, D. B., Khoo, E-L., Jarvis, G., Tinghua, Z., Taljaard, M., Monteiro, L., Wilson, K.G., Romanow, H., Glynn, B., Tennant, E.M., Smal, R., Smith, A., Rash, J. A., Smyth C., & Poulin, P.A. (submitted for review). Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in breast cancer survivors with chronic neuropathic pain: A randomized controlled trial.
- Glynn, B. A., Brule, M., Kenny, S., Khoo, E. L., Shergill, Y., Smyth, C., & Poulin, P. (2019). Understanding High Frequency use of the Emergency Department for Chronic Pain Patients: A Mixed-Methods Study. Journal for Healthcare Quality, 41(4), 195-211.
- Khoo, E. L., Small, R., Cheng, W., Hatchard, T., Glynn, B., Rice, D., Skidmore, B., Kenny, S., Hutton, B., & Poulin, P. (Accepted for publication). Comparative evaluation of group-based mindfulness-based stress reduction and cognitive behavioral therapy for treatment and management of chronic pain: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Evidence-Based Mental Health.
- Bosse, J., Glynn, B. & Monteiro, L. (2016). Slow and fast cooking of Rumi’s chickpea: Issues in training teachers of mindfulness-based Interventions. International Journal of Psychotherapy, Special Edition on Mindfulness, 20, 244-260.